Cooler days (and nights!) are finally upon us and though we no longer have to deal with the scorching temperatures that our desert summers tend to bring, we do still need to remain energy conscious during the cooler months, especially amid rising energy rates. To help, here are four tips for a more energy-efficient home this winter.

1. Let the Sunshine In

The best way to improve your energy efficiency in the winter is to let the daytime sun in to heat your home. By opening your blinds and curtains during the day, you’ll maintain a higher indoor temperature and reduce your heating usage at night. Plus, if you add insulated curtains to your window décor, you can close them at night to keep all that free heat inside.

2. Eliminate Drafts and Energy Loss

Another way you can make your home more energy efficient this winter is to seal any gaps in your windows and doors. Those are the primary places where heat escapes from your home, so addressing them can have a significant impact on your energy efficiency. Remember, however, that you might not see every possible air leak in your home with the naked eye.

To find them all, wait for a windy day, turn off all of your home’s major appliances, and shut all of its windows and doors. Then light a stick of incense and hold it near anywhere you suspect an air leak. If the smoke moves on its own toward or away from that spot, you’ve found a leak. Find as many as you can and then seal them all.

3. Adjust Your Thermostat

Did you know that lowering your home’s temperature by a single degree for eight hours per day can lower your heating costs by around 1%? It may not sound like much, but those savings add up in a hurry. So lower your thermostat to the lowest comfortable temperature and let the savings commence!

4. Maintain Your Heating System

Modern home heating systems are already very efficient. They won’t stay that way, however, if you don’t have regular maintenance performed on them. By scheduling appropriate maintenance for your heating system, you’ll improve your home’s winter energy efficiency and prolong its life.

Consult the Heating Experts

The team here at Brisk Air, Inc. has been the go-to provider of heating installation, repair, and maintenance and AC services in the New River and North Phoenix area since 2000. We are a family-owned and operated business that understands how important your family’s comfort is. That’s why we go out of our way to provide individualized solutions that meet your needs and won’t rest until you’re satisfied. So, if you’d like some help in getting your home ready for the winter to come, call Brisk Air, Inc. today and leave the rest to us!

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